Year: 2024

Howick Historical Village Trip

We went on a trip to the Howick Historical Village along with LS1, There were three activities we performed. We were in groups of 3’s, I was in group 1 with Miss Mat and Mrs Anderson. We first went on the tour guide, the other group on the butter making and the trolley. We explored various different things. For the tour guide we went into many various houses to explore what was in the 1780’s. I found some candles and some other things like old tools and a dead bird filled with cotton balls or newspaper. We went to different school’s and I learnt some interesting facts while sitting on the chairs. Some interesting facts I’ve learnt was when the teacher comes inside the classroom the children has to be silent and when one children is talking they have to put their hand one the table and the teacher hits the children’s hand with a ruler, the other fact I learnt was when a teacher isn’t married they can’t have ice cream. 

I like making the trolley, because I learnt how to build things with my group, it was very interesting.


CARE Values

LI: To understand what our CARE Values mean to us.

This week we discussed what Panmure Bridge Schools C.A.R.E. values are. We looked at what the values look like for us. This DLO is showing how we see Confidence, Attitude, Respect and Excellence. For example: For Respect, people will shake Mr Johnson’s hand when they get a cetificate. It is important to follow these because these are our school values.

I found this activity enjoyable because it really helped me understand why the school care values is important.

Matariki Star Designs

LI: to plan, design, and create a class star for Matariki that tells a story.


In order to create my star I would need to find a story to tell, I decided to go with a puzzle because it represents our visual language. The stars represent Matariki and the family. The sun represents Maui and the Sun. The hook represents the fish hook (for example Maui fishing to get food for his family). New Zealand represents the whole world. The ocean represents the sixth star waiti. The tree represents growing food. The clouds represent our dreams and wishing upon the sky. 

I enjoyed this activity because it made me really think about what I will do for my Star Design.


Haiku Poem: Our Whenua

Haiku is a special kind of poem that has a unique pattern. It is made up of just three lines with a total of 17 syllables. The first line has 5 syllables, the second line has 7 syllables and the third line has 5 syllables. When hearing the word Our Whenua, We suddenly think of our Tamaki river. With the calming tides, welcoming wakas. So that’s what we included into our poem.

I liked writing this haiku poem because it gave me a challenge. By having the syllable rule to make it challenging.

Haiku Poem: Fire

Haiku is a special kind of poem that has a unique pattern. It is made up of just three lines with a total of 17 syllables. The first line has 5 syllables, the second line has 7 syllables and the third line has 5 syllables. Haiku poems often describe a moment in time, like the changing of the seasons or a peaceful scene in nature. We chose between Fire, Ice and Water, Folose, Armani and I picked Fire as our word. We came up with words that related with fire, and used some of them into a verse.

I liked writing this haiku poem because it gave me a challenge. By having the syllable rule to make it challenging.



Statistical Investigation

LI: To read the text gather, sort graph, and analyse the data.


In this Statistical Investigation task in collaboration with my partner, recently. After giving careful thought to our topic selection, we decided to inquire about the origins of our classmates’ grandparents. Our observations revealed that a vast majority of grandparents had Maori heritage and hailed from New Zealand. We confidently presented our findings using a visually appealing bar graph and a DLO, which helped us effectively communicate our results.

The activitie I liked while doing the statistical investigation was going around the class and asking my classmates “Where their grandparents are from”.

Taniwha Names

LI: To understand the Treaty of Waitangi.

LI: Understand how culture connects with your name.

As part of the task, I created a Taniwha using my name. It was a fun and creative exercise that allowed me to put my imagination to work. First, I practiced drawing different designs on paper until I was happy with my concept. Then, I brought my vision to life on my Chromebook by adding colours, details, scales, and tails. I even added unique patterns to make my Taniwha truly one-of-a-kind. I enjoyed this task so much because it allowed me to express my creativity and come up with some really good ideas.

Abtract Noun Poem

LI: To use metaphors and senses to describe the noun by painting a picture with your words.

We were given a challenge to write a poem based on an abstract poem. My partner and I picked a word, “Bravery,” which means being super brave and fearless. Bravery is an overpowering emotion in you, a strong beating in your heart. Bravery looks like a soldier in armors, riding back to the castle. It tastes like a calm victory, appearing in my mouth. Bravery sounds like a helpful person in a war, gasping for air as the air strikes come. It has the feeling of anxiety bursting through my lungs, attacking my health with weakness.



Last Week for tech we did the colour wheel, Mrs Fergurson handed out a paper for us and a white piece of paper with some paint that is: Yellow, Red and Blue along with Miss Mats help. We started out by getting plastic cups and filling it with a quarter of water, then we got a paint brush. We were induced to paint our colour wheel but we started on primary yellow once we finished painting the yellow, we started painting the primary red on the piece of paper, once we finished colouring the primary colours. Our art teacher showed us how to mix the primary colours into secondary colour. After we painted the whole colour wheel, we used the hot blow dryer to dry our paper, once all of us was finished blow drying the paper. I got a sharpie and drew designs on the colour wheel.

I liked this activity because it was very enjoyable for me to paint on the colour wheel.

Maungarei Moment in Time Poem

LI: To write a poem that describes a moment in time.

This week we wrote moment in time poems. We first got into groups of 4 or 5. We wrote a poem using our five senses from what we saw, heard, smelt on top of the mountain, and we connected it with the past. This activity was really fun because we had to find some way to connect the present with the past.