Tag: Maths

Statistical Investigation

LI: To read the text gather, sort graph, and analyse the data.


In this Statistical Investigation task in collaboration with my partner, recently. After giving careful thought to our topic selection, we decided to inquire about the origins of our classmates’ grandparents. Our observations revealed that a vast majority of grandparents had Maori heritage and hailed from New Zealand. We confidently presented our findings using a visually appealing bar graph and a DLO, which helped us effectively communicate our results.

The activitie I liked while doing the statistical investigation was going around the class and asking my classmates “Where their grandparents are from”.

Figure it out – Gala

This week for Miss White maths group we learned about how to use our problem solving skills to work out the gala set up.

First, Miss White explained to us what we are learning for today. We are learning about solving skills and how to use our problems. For Example: Here are the ideas that some of the students had. How many people do they think will visit each activity. Room 5 thinks one-quarter of the people at the gala will have a ride on the merry go-round, Room 6 thinks one fifth of the people will go to the ball-throwing stall, Room 7 thinks about half of the people will go play the gumboot throw, Room 8 thinks children likes to get their face painted. About half the people at the gala will be children, and about half the children at the gala will have their face painted & Room 8 thinks lots of people at the gala gets hungry. Three quarters of the people will visit the food stall.

Next, Miss White told us that we have to make a copy of the google slide that talks about figuring it out at the gala. There are 14 slides to complete. When we finished making a copy of the google slide we had to look at the slide and work out each question. We also had to use different partners each slide. My partner for each slide was Armani, Marcel, Blake & Brooke.

Lastly, we had to go through each slide and answer the questions. One of the questions was a date dilemma. In the date dilemma we had to go look at the calendar and see what date suits most people and way. I picked the 29th because there is a 50% (percent) chance that there is a strong wind and there’s another 50%  chance that it would or could be weak. When I finished some of the slides we had to draw a bar graph on a book or a chromebook to see which one is the best and who has the most votes.

I enjoyed doing this task. I did well at answering all of the questions on the google slide. I need to improve on doing more bar graphs about the school gala.

Denominator & Numerator

The number on the top of a fraction is the numerator. It shows the number of parts that are selected or spoken about. The bottom number in a fraction is the denominator. It shows the total number of parts into which anything is divided. For example: In the fraction 8/10, 8 is the numerator and 10 is the denominator.

First Miss White talked to us about numerator and denominator and fractions. She said “Fractions have two parts, the denominator and numerator. The denominator is the bottom number in a fraction.

Next Miss White explained to us the 2 tasks. For the first one we had to complete the document called identifying fractions. All you have to do is answer the questions. For example: Taylor has 5 pieces of toast for breakfast every morning. When he has eaten 3 slices, what fraction of his breakfast does he have left? She would have 2/5 because 5 minus 3 equals 2 so 2/5 would be the answer. 

Lastly I had to create a DLO explaining the Denominator & Numerator of a fraction. And we also had to explain how you can identify a fraction. 

I enjoyed doing this task. I did well at explaining numerator and denominator. I need to improve on doing simple details for other people to understand what I am talking about.

Here is my work!


Today we learnt how to do Coordinates. Coordinates are a pair of numbers which are used to determine the position of a point or a shape in a 2-dimensional plane. We define the position of a point on a 2D plane using two numbers, called the x-coordinate and the y-coordinate.

First we have to make a copy of the slides. Rafyel and I were working together. We had to find the location using the map of the Auckland Zoo, we had to find the following places and write their coordinates.

Next when we finished the google slides we had to make a copy of the google doc. We first read the instructions to see what we had to do. The instructions are Using the boxes below, a map similar to the Auckland Zoo. Then fill in the X (letters) and Y axis (number). Fill in your objects in the section below and find the coordinates for these objects. Rafyel did the Google doc and I had to fill it in.

Lastly we had to check our work and blog about what we did when we finished the google slide and google doc.

I enjoyed filling in the coordinates. I did well on working and talking about the work and what we had to do. I need to improve on not talking with other people.

Ordering Fractions

For math we learned about ordering fractions. Ordering fractions is when mixed fractions are outside the box and you have to order them like smallest to biggest and it is kind of hard. I was with my partner Hasna who was helping me do this but there was a problem. I don’t know how to write it because my keys on my chrome does not know how to write fractions so I used slash and I finished it.


Basic Facts Boxes

I did Basic Facts Boxes this was for the can do task.

First I had to open up the task and I had to set the stop watch. I had to do the task this time I did subtraction for practise round. And I choose ordered.

Next I was done so I had to stop the stop watch. My stopwatch endded at 2 minutes and 10 seconds.

Lastly I pushed check to see my work and I got all the answers right.

I enjoyed this task because it was fun. I did well at this task because it helps me learning math better. I need to improve on learning subtraction.

How to tell the time

How to tell the time.

How to tell a time get a small clock.

Parts of a clock: Hour hand, Minute hand, Minute division, Hour division, Past side and To side.

The long hand is minute hand the short hand is the hour hand. If the clock tells Half past 2 then it is 2:14.

Make a kahoot with quiz that tell the time.






Time and Distance

This week we did Time and Distance.

First we got the measuring tapes and four phones and we went on the court. And we practised to measure 4m, 6m, 8m and 10m.

Next Mr Wong picked who is going to write the data in the spread sheet and Mr Wong picked who is going to be the timer.

Lastly we had to run one by one and the timer had to time the person. And the data collector has to write down our time. And we came back to class and Mr Wong showed us how to make a gragh.

I enjoyed running. I did well on timming. I need to improve on measuring.

Time and Distance

This week we did Time and Distance.

First we got into groups of 3 to 4 people some ended up with 8 people. Time is when you time a person and Distance is how far you can go.

Next we opened a google doc and we created a table. We put our group members name and put them on the table. And we put 4m, 6m, 8m and 10m.

Lastly we got a measuring tape to measure our distance and we record with the LS1 phone to time each group member we also did it on the court. We put how much seconds on the google doc on the distance.

I enjoyed timing the group member. I did well measuring 4m, 6m, 8m and 10m. I need to improve on going a little faster with my speed to get better.