Denominator & Numerator

The number on the top of a fraction is the numerator. It shows the number of parts that are selected or spoken about. The bottom number in a fraction is the denominator. It shows the total number of parts into which anything is divided. For example: In the fraction 8/10, 8 is the numerator and 10 is the denominator.

First Miss White talked to us about numerator and denominator and fractions. She said “Fractions have two parts, the denominator and numerator. The denominator is the bottom number in a fraction.

Next Miss White explained to us the 2 tasks. For the first one we had to complete the document called identifying fractions. All you have to do is answer the questions. For example: Taylor has 5 pieces of toast for breakfast every morning. When he has eaten 3 slices, what fraction of his breakfast does he have left? She would have 2/5 because 5 minus 3 equals 2 so 2/5 would be the answer. 

Lastly I had to create a DLO explaining the Denominator & Numerator of a fraction. And we also had to explain how you can identify a fraction. 

I enjoyed doing this task. I did well at explaining numerator and denominator. I need to improve on doing simple details for other people to understand what I am talking about.

Here is my work!

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