Which One Dosen’t Belong Together Kick Start / Step It Up

For the Summer Learning Journey I made a slides called Which one Doesn’t Belong. I have a challenge for your reader. At the end of my slides I made my own one for you to figure out which one doesn’t belong there. It is just not one of the shapes it all them. Once you found your answer then comment it on the comment page. Come check it out. Guess Which One Doesn’t Belong might be a challenging comment on my blog so I can see your work so I can comment on yours.

4 thoughts on “Which One Dosen’t Belong Together Kick Start / Step It Up

  1. Kia ora Hasna,

    It’s Charlotte here, a Summer Learning Journey Blog Commenter. Well done giving the ‘Which one doesn’t belong’ activity a go! I thought it was lots of fun!

    How did you find this activity? Was there anything in particular you found challenging?I found this activity quite challenging, I think that was because usually when I think of questions they only have one answer.

    I noticed that you mentioned that you had created your own ‘Which one doesn’t belong’ slide for your readers to have a go at. Unfortunately I cannot see it at the end of your slideshow. I would love to give your version of the activity a go. If you could edit your slideshow to include it and then reply to this comment to let me know that would be great!

    Ngā Mihi Nui
    Charlotte Visser
    Summer Learning Journey

    1. Hi Charlotte,
      I found this activivity by my two teachers, If it wasn’t from them I would’ve not know, The second slide was kinda hard since the questions was slightly confusing, I’m sorry you couldn’t see my version of “Which doesn’t belong” I will add it now.

      Thank you for reading my blog & leaving a comment. It really helps me see what I did incorrectly.

      1. Kia ora Hasna,

        It is awesome to hear that you teachers having been showing you the Summer Learning Journey activities. I have really enjoyed spending my summer looking through lots of different blogs (your included!).

        Thank you for adding your own version of the activity at the end of your slideshow. I will try and find an answer for why each shape is the odd one out.
        A: The only shape with 5 sides.
        B: The only shape with less than 4 sides.
        C: The only square based shape.
        D: The only warm coloured shape.

        Did I miss any?

  2. Kia Ora Charlotte,

    Thank you for doing my version of “Which Doesn’t Belong”, In my opinion I think you didn’t miss anything but other peple has different opinions. You did a great job at finding what the difference is and you didn’t get anything wrong but don’t forget that There is no wrong answer

    Take Care Charlotte and Thank you for your answers of my Slideshow!

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