Category: Hanga | Create


This week for inquiry I had to find out what price these materials cost for my pencil case and book mark.

First, I had to put my designs into the google slides my teacher had for the whole group. Then I had to say what material I’m using for my pencil case and bookmark and what the cost of the material is for both of my designs.

Next, my partner or one of my group members would have to do feedback on my designs like what I did well at for colours and what could I have done to make it even better. My partner or one of my group members had to say this for the colours, material design and cost to make.

Lastly, I had to do this task for my school gala. I enjoyed this task.

Here is my work and my designs:


This week for HPE we did Sprinting.

First, we had to do girls versus girls and the top three moved on to the next round. There were two sets of boys and two sets of girls to race each other (for now girls race girls and boys race boys).

Next, we had a second round that settled the top 2 going to the finals (boys and girls) (boys still racing boys and girls still racing girls).

Then, we did the final race to settle the boy and girl winner.

Lastly, I had to go back to class.

Attempt New Things & Ask For Help

LI: Learn that it’s okay to try new things and to ask for help when needed.

First I had to open the jamboard then I had to answer the questions on the jamboard. There were 5 questions. I will explain what the questions were and what was my answer. The first question is: Why was it important to try new things in life? My answer was: So your life won’t get bored and won’t go down hill. The second question is: What are some common challenges or fears people face when trying something new? My answer was: Humans are often afraid of the unknown. The third question is: Can you think of a personal experience when you tried something new, and what did you learn from that experience? My answer was: Learn how to ice skate or learn how to cook. The fourth question is: How can a motivational message encourage someone to take a risk and try something new? My answer is: You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. And finally the fifth question is What might someone say if they are trying to motivate or encourage someone else? My answer was Failure is not the opposite of success, It’s PART of Success.

Next we had to Create a motivational poster to encourage people to try new things. Our poster must include: Clear message (poster should have a motivating message about the importance of trying new things), Creativity, Clarity & No clipart allowed (We only can trace the images).

Lastly I showed my work to Miss White.

Here is my work:

Figure it out – Gala

This week for Miss White maths group we learned about how to use our problem solving skills to work out the gala set up.

First, Miss White explained to us what we are learning for today. We are learning about solving skills and how to use our problems. For Example: Here are the ideas that some of the students had. How many people do they think will visit each activity. Room 5 thinks one-quarter of the people at the gala will have a ride on the merry go-round, Room 6 thinks one fifth of the people will go to the ball-throwing stall, Room 7 thinks about half of the people will go play the gumboot throw, Room 8 thinks children likes to get their face painted. About half the people at the gala will be children, and about half the children at the gala will have their face painted & Room 8 thinks lots of people at the gala gets hungry. Three quarters of the people will visit the food stall.

Next, Miss White told us that we have to make a copy of the google slide that talks about figuring it out at the gala. There are 14 slides to complete. When we finished making a copy of the google slide we had to look at the slide and work out each question. We also had to use different partners each slide. My partner for each slide was Armani, Marcel, Blake & Brooke.

Lastly, we had to go through each slide and answer the questions. One of the questions was a date dilemma. In the date dilemma we had to go look at the calendar and see what date suits most people and way. I picked the 29th because there is a 50% (percent) chance that there is a strong wind and there’s another 50%  chance that it would or could be weak. When I finished some of the slides we had to draw a bar graph on a book or a chromebook to see which one is the best and who has the most votes.

I enjoyed doing this task. I did well at answering all of the questions on the google slide. I need to improve on doing more bar graphs about the school gala.

Dialogue in Wonder

This term in reading we are diving into a novel study for the book “Wonder” by R.J. Palacio.  This week we are focusing on what we can learn about the characters, especially through their dialogue.  Characters’ thoughts and feelings can be revealed through their dialogue.  This allows readers to make inferences about their internal perspectives and motivations.

We read Part One Chapters 5-7 which was about It was a long drive home. I fell asleep in the backseat like I always do, my head on Via’s lap like she was my pillow, a towel wrapped around the seat belt so I wouldn’t drool all over her. Via fell asleep, too, and Mom and Dad talked quietly about grown-up things I didn’t care about. I don’t know how long I was sleeping, but when I woke up, there was a full moon outside the car window. It was a purple night, and we were driving on a highway full of
cars. And then I heard Mom and Dad talking about me. “We can’t keep protecting him,” Mom whispered to Dad, who was driving. “We can’t just pretend he’s going to wake up tomorrow and this isn’t going to be his reality, because it is, Nate, and we have to help him learn to deal with it. We can’t just keep avoiding situations that . . .” 

Our first task was to choose dialogue from the relevant chapter and use the dialogue to infer what each of the characters’ thoughts may have been. Here is my work:

Our second task was to imagine we are part of a welcoming committee at Beecher Prep, and create a warm and inviting poster to welcome August, the main character in the story. Our poster had to reflect the school’s values of kindness, inclusivity, and diversity.

I enjoyed making the poster. I need to improve on making more positive logos. I did well at finishing the dialogue in time.

Word Problems

This week I did maths multiplication, division , addition and subtraction.

First everyone had to make their own maths question like division multiplication addition and subtraction. For Example: Per Day Elon musk makes $46,303,000, so how much does he make per Week. The Answer: 324121000. How did you solve it: I did 46,303,000 + 46,303,000 + 46,303,000 + 46,303,000 + 46,303,000 + 46,303,000 + 46,303,000 = 324121000

Next I had to make a copy of the google slides and answer the questions that they wrote down. 

Poisonous Animals – SSR Selfie

This week our focus across ALL subjects is to revise.

First I had to make a copy of the SSR Selfie slide, Then I had to pick a book from epic or from our book box. I picked Poisonous Animals/Top 50 Questions. I had to fill in who is the author and the illustrator, List three new words with their meanings in my own words, what is the main topic, and what are three key pieces of information about the main topic. Then I had to link my SSR Selfie into the hand it in.

Summer Learning Journey

Today’s task was to make a list of 20 other things that are yellow like Kowhai’s. This activity is Nineteen, I chose this task because I really think this will be easy and also a little bit hard.

First I made a Google Drawing. Then I gave it a background colour, The colour was Light Yellow, Light Blue, and Light Green because it matches with spring.

Next I filled in the text box with some Flowers and some Animals that are Yellow.

Lastly I blogged.

Spring Learning Journey

Today’s task was to walk around your local area and find rubbish. I saw rubbish outside my backyard so I brang it inside to take a photo for this task.

First I took a photo of the three rubbish I found. The three rubbish I found was a Scrunched up Piece of Paper, A Plastic tape ball, And a M&M Plastic Bag.

Next I wrote what is Rubbish and wrote what is Recycling. Recycling is the process of collecting and processing materials that would otherwise be thrown away as trash and turning them into new products. And Rubbish isn’t just solid waste, like materials such as paper, metal, plastic, glass or food, rubbish can be liquids or gasses too.

Lastly I blogged.


Spring Learning Journey

Today’s task was to create your own daffodil to display at home or give it to your parents. This task is Activity Seven. I chose this activity because I really like flowers and it would be perfect for displaying or giving it to your family.

First I read the instructions. I will explain what the instructions were: Create your own daffodil to display at home, and watch the video below.

Next I grabbed Papers, Pens, Pencils, and White Tape. And I began to watch the video. It was kinda hard but also really challenging.

Lastly I finished my Daffodil and it turned out amazing.