Rail Transport

This week I learned about rails.

First I had to talk about what a stakeholder is. A stakeholder is when they gain money from the technology. Invested in the technology.

Next I had to get into groups of 3 or 4 and explain what stakeholders are and how trains benefit on a piece of paper.

Lastly I had to make a google slide and research or write down the facts about trains. I also have to attribute the picture.

I enjoyed learning about trains. I did well at researching facts about trains. I need to improve on finding a better picture.

Time and Distance

This week we did Time and Distance.

First we got the measuring tapes and four phones and we went on the court. And we practised to measure 4m, 6m, 8m and 10m.

Next Mr Wong picked who is going to write the data in the spread sheet and Mr Wong picked who is going to be the timer.

Lastly we had to run one by one and the timer had to time the person. And the data collector has to write down our time. And we came back to class and Mr Wong showed us how to make a gragh.

I enjoyed running. I did well on timming. I need to improve on measuring.

HPE – Discus and Shotput

I learnt how to play Discus and Shotput.

First Mr Wong showed us how to do the right way to throw a Discus I had to stand side on, Point to my target, Discus on the shelf, Chin, knees, toes in a row, Lift low to high let it fly. This is how to throw a discus.

Next I learned how to play shotput. Hold the ball with the three middle finger and don’t hold the ball with your palm. Keep your elbow in a chicken wing and the ball under your chin on your neck. The throw is push the ball forward and twist your hips. Then release the shotput to the target.

I enjoyed how Mr Wong showed us how to play discus in the right way. I did well on pushing the ball forward. I need to improve on pointing on my target.




Responsible Use

I learned Responsible Use about the Kawa of Care.

First we went though and read the rules about responsible use.

Next Mr Wong splitted up groups of boys and girls for a quiz. We had to go up to Mr Wong with the other group and answer the question about the Kawa of Care.

Lastly we got a partner my partner was Armani. We made a google draw and we did a title the title was Responible Use. And we had to write how to keep yourself safe at home and school.

Pros and Cons

I learned what pros and cons are by using different types of sea transport.

First I went on pixabay and looked for a picture of a jet ski and looked up which is bad about jet ski’s. For example they use gas which is expensive and harms the sea.

Next I attributed the image and looked for a cargo ship. I found out that a cargo ship 63,000 of marine fuel per day at the speed.

Lastly I attributed the cargo ship and then found pros for the cargo ship and the jet ski.

I enjoyed this because it was easy to do. I was good at finding cons. I need to improve on writing better.


I learnt about hedgehogs.

First I had to find facts about hedgehogs. Some of the facts were, Hedgehogs have 5000 spikes on their, they roll up into a ball to protect them self from people.

Next I had to synthesise about what I knew and what I learnt about hedgehogs. We had write the prior knowledge, new information and synthsis. For prior knowledge I wrote I know that hedgehogs have over 5000 spikes, brown fur and grey bodies.

Lastly I had to write for new information I wrote they are nocturnal and they hibernate in cold areas and they don’t use their eyes to hunt.

I enjoyed doing the task. I did well on synthesising. I need to improve on writing the prior knowledge.

Shot put

This week I learned how to play shot put.

First I learnt the skills, the skills were Stance, Grip, Aim and Throw. The stance is side on and look at the target. The aim is look and aim with the non dominat arm. The Grip is hold the ball with the three middle finger and don’t hold the ball with your palm. The throw is push the ball forward and twist your hips.

Next we had to get a partner and we had to get a ball. We had to throw to our partner I had to do the stance side on.

Lastly we finished playing and we got back to class in a line.

I enjoyed playing shot put. I did well on throwing. I need to improve on doing the stance better.

Time and Distance

This week we did Time and Distance.

First we got into groups of 3 to 4 people some ended up with 8 people. Time is when you time a person and Distance is how far you can go.

Next we opened a google doc and we created a table. We put our group members name and put them on the table. And we put 4m, 6m, 8m and 10m.

Lastly we got a measuring tape to measure our distance and we record with the LS1 phone to time each group member we also did it on the court. We put how much seconds on the google doc on the distance.

I enjoyed timing the group member. I did well measuring 4m, 6m, 8m and 10m. I need to improve on going a little faster with my speed to get better.

Long Jump

I learnt how to do long jump.

First I learnt how to jump off one foot and swing my arms back, then up and over and landed in a motorcycle stance we had to land with two feet.

Next we practised long jump. We had to use one feet to run and land in two feet. And we used tennis balls to mark were we landed. We marked from the back of the heel.

Lastly we had to line up verticaly and jump on the grass the 1st lane was one point, 2nd lane was two point and the 3rd lane was three points and we did a .

I enjoyed lining up verticaly and jumping on the grass. I did well on the motorcycle stance. I need to improve how to do long jump better.


Basic Facts Boxes

I have had done basic facts boxes.

I did addition in ordered numbers.

I did it in 3 minute and 8 seconds.

I enjoyed this activity because I got to do basic facts to 20. I did well on doing all of it in order. I need to improve being faster.